Dating in Dublin …and sometimes elsewhere!

Circus freak?


Yesterday I found myself juggling three online conversations with gentlemen I’ve met in the course of the last three weeks. At one point, I answered the question of one to another. Luckily it didn’t involve any sort of specific personal info so it may just have sounded like I was confused about the question. Or at least this is what I like to believe.

They are all extremely interesting, at least one of them is excellent in bed, and another one is a great kisser. The third is still a mystery, but more on that later.

Worst part is that none of them were my James Hetfield. 

This is not gonna end well.

Comments on: "Circus freak?" (3)

  1. I did this recently while texting two guys I’m kind of seeing who have the same name. Oops. I love that I’m not the only one though!! We should feel lucky to have such ‘problems’!

  2. […] And he’s got the same name of another guy you’ve been seeing, as people have told me, happens! […]

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